
Privacy Policy


GHOST JOKER Limited recognises that your personal information is important to you and that you are concerned with its collection, use and disclosure. GHOST JOKER, like other companies operating in Australia, is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which set clear standards regarding these activities.

This policy contains information about:
when you can deal with GHOST JOKER anonymously;
the purposes for which GHOST JOKER collects holds, uses and discloses personal information;
the types of personal information that GHOST JOKER collects;
how GHOST JOKER collects and holds personal information;
how you may access the personal information that GHOST JOKER holds about you, and how you may seek correction of that personal information; and
how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles by GHOST JOKER and how GHOST JOKER will deal with such a complaint.

How does GHOST JOKER collect and hold your personal information?

We collect personal information in a number of ways including:
when you order goods or services from us
when you collect goods that you have ordered from us
when you set up an account with us;
when you purchase certain products or extended warranties from us;
when you buy goods on lay-by or “duty-free” goods;
when you subscribe to our Newsletter
when you sell as a vendor on our platform;
when you enter competitions or promotions that we run;
when you provide us with your details for customer care purposes;
when you browse one of our websites (Further information is set out later in this Privacy Policy);
when you submit an enquiry using on our websites;
when you complete surveys or provide online feedback or product reviews; and
when you publicly comment about us on social media sites (for example so that we can answer questions about our

GHOST JOKER holds personal information in a number of ways, including:
as part of customer records and other electronic documents on which personal information is contained which are stored on our information technology systems and servers operated by third parties who provide services to us in connection with our business; and
by securely storing hard copy documents on which personal information is contained, at our various premises and using third party document management and archiving services.

How to make a complaint

If you are concerned that the way GHOST JOKER collects, holds, uses or discloses your personal information may be in breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, please send written details of your complaint to The Privacy Officer, GHOST JOKER Group Pty Ltd, by email to [email protected]

Also, you can request that your date or part of your data to be deleted by following this link. https://ghostjoker.com/account-deletion

How GHOST JOKER will handle complaints

After receiving a complaint, we will consider whether we need any further information from you to properly consider and investigate the complaint, and may request such information from you. We will then:
conduct internal discussions with the relevant business units involved in the collection, holding, use or disclosure of your Application Documentation Information which is the subject of your complaint, and evaluate whether we believe that such collection, holding, use or disclosure of your Application Documentation Information was in breach of Division 3 of Part IIIA of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or the registered Credit Reporting Privacy Code; and
notify you of the results of our investigation of your complaint.

GHOST JOKER privacy policy specifies how we will handle your personal information and other information required to be disclosed to you under the Privacy Act.

Please read this policy before providing any personal information to us.